
Vacation to The Bahamas, Aquatic Islands State on The Atlantic Ocean


In the Bahamas, there are at least 700 islands with only about 30 inhabited islands. The entire country archipelago that is included in the Commonwealth Countries is a place of extraordinary natural wonders.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Holidays to dream destinations like the Bahamas will certainly be fun. As the name suggests, the 'Bahamas' or 'Shallow Sea' is a shallow marine island nation located on the Atlantic Ocean, right on the edge of the famous Bermuda Triangle.

In the Bahamas, there are at least 700 islands with only about 30 inhabited islands. The entire country archipelago that is included in the Commonwealth Countries is a place of extraordinary natural wonders. The Bahamas, known for its blue sea of ​​crystals, claims that its waters are clearest in the world, with visibility of around 60 meters.

Besides having advantages in the mountainous sector, there are several famous beaches and islands in the Bahamas that you can visit, such as Cat Island, Eleuthera Island, Paradise Island, Long Island and others. You who admire underwater life, also visit Dry Head Bay and enjoy fun snorkeling tours.

Not only that, you can also visit Nassau Tourism City, swim and dive with sharks, play golf at the Ocean Club Golf Course, Aquaventure Water Park at Atlantis, Atlantis Casino, to ride the yacht and enjoy the sunset to the Blue Lagoon.

In the Bahamas, you can also visit a rum manufacturing center that will add to your experience in the Bahamas. There are many choices, hotels, inns, restaurants and roadside cafes that you can visit to fill your time in this country. Have a good vacation! (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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