
Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, Historic Site in Melaka


The general public can now see historic artifacts and unique cultural heritage in a charming private museum, managed directly by the Baba and the Madame Melaka.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Currently the community in Melaka, Malaysia, is already plural. Not only inhabited by one or two groups that are dominant, but many ethnic groups. In addition to ethnic Malays, many of those who inhabit Melaka also come from ethnic Chinese. So it is not surprising that many of their ancestors left historic buildings, one of which is The Baba and Nyonya Heritage Museum.

It is the people referred to as Straits Chinese and also referred to as Baba and Nyonya, who are descendants of Chinese nobles who have adopted many Malay cultures into their culture.

This gradual process has been going on for more than 400 years since the leading Chinese explorer Admiral Cheng Ho first brought Chinese settlers to Melaka. For centuries, the Baba Nyonya people have developed a distinct and unique culture on the west coast of Malaysia, especially in Melaka.

The general public can now see historic artifacts and unique cultural heritage in a charming private museum, managed directly by the Baba and the Madame Melaka. The location of this museum is on Jalan Tuan Tan Cheng Lock, better known as The Millionaire Row, adjacent to Jonker Walk Melaka. The age of the museum building has been hundreds of years and has been around since 1896.

The museum was originally a building owned by a Chinese descendant in Melaka named Baba Chan. The Baba Chan family was interested in buying a house that was once a Dutch heritage site.

Visiting here will be a lot of knowledge, especially regarding the knowledge of peranakan people who have been in Melaka for a long time. Although it is filled with all the knick-knacks related to the peranakan community, but because of the building of this museum European heritage buildings are clearly visible.

The characteristics of the windows are large and the floor tiles are large, one of the features. Inside the museum itself is filled with a variety of antique furniture directly imported from the Netherlands, Italy and also England. Here, you can learn everything about this unique culture. The Heritage Museum also provides pre-arranged guided tours, research and audio visual facilities. You deserve to go! (WS.IN/ENG/**)

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