
Gong Cave, Amazing Favorite Attractions in Pacitan, East Java


INDEPHEDIA.com - Gong Cave is an amazing tourist attraction owned by the Province of East Java (East Java) which is predicted to be the most beautiful cave in Southeast Asia. No wonder that Gong Cave has become a favorite tourist destination for world travelers who are adventurous and those who love the natural beauty of the underground surface.

Administratively, Gong Cave is located in Pule Hamlet, Bomo Village, Punung District, Pacitan Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia, about 37 km from downtown Pacitan to the west (Wonogiri direction). To reach the Gong Cave, visitors can go through 3 paths coming from cities around Pacitan, namely Ponorogo, Wonogiri and Trenggalek.

The name of this cave is quite unique. Because the true name "Gong" is a musical instrument in Javanese gamelan. Similarly, giving a name to this cave. The cave is called Gong Cave because there is one of the stalactites here when it hits like a gong.

Upon entering Gong Cave, tourists will be greeted by beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations. Assisted by adequate lighting, visitors can enter deeper and down the cave hall along 256 meters. Along the cave passage, tourists will be accompanied by sharp taper rocks or hang on the roof of the cave.

At the end of the hall, a room that forms a giant dome along 100 meters, with a width of 15 to 40 meters and a height of between 20-30 meters will make visitors chuckle in awe.

Stalactites and stalagmites with various shapes and sizes adorn the entire room. Some of them are even named because to capture their beauty, such as Selo Jengger Bumi, Selo Pakuan Bomo, Selo Bantaran Angin, Selo Citro Cipto Agung, Selo Adi Citro Buwono, and others.

To explore this cave, tourists do not need to worry, although they still have to be careful. Because, the local government has added infrastructure in the cave, such as stairs, safety fences, lighting and fans to facilitate tracking.

Inside the Gong Cave there are several rooms. These spaces, namely the Angel Spring Room, Angel Room, Crystal and Marble Room, Hermitage Room and the Gong Stone Room.

In addition to the beauty of the stalactites and stalagmites that adorn the cave room, there are also springs which, according to local residents, have magical healing powers for those who believe in them. The springs are, among others, the Rampus Jampi Spring, Panguripan Spring, Jiwo Spring Joint, Kamulyan Spring and Nisto Spring Joint. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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