
How to SEO Blog Through Articles / Posts / Content To Be Number One Google Indexed


INDEPHEDIA.com - The success of a Site / Website / Blog, in addition to increasing trust in visitors, also to provide credibility in the eyes of search engines or search engines.

Blogs are an important element so that our website / website meets that goal. If we update articles / writing / content frequently, search engine bots will like it more. The problem is, how can we create a blog that is liked by search engines and bring lots of visitors.

Following INDEPHEDIA.com summarizes the suggestions of a number of writers, experts and SEO practitioners on how to optimize SEO Site / Website / Blog so that number 1 or at least quickly indexed by Google through articles / writings / blog content.

1. Determine the theme or topic of the blog - Like writing, before we create a blog first determine the main topic that we will stretcher, because it will later become the blog title which is then translated into a blog description. Of course this topic is also relevant to our website as a whole.

2. Keyword research (KW) - Before writing on a blog, do a keyword research (KW) first by surfing on Google. It's good not to want to pursue keywords that have a large potential traffic. Start with a small potential, the most important thing is we have to understand the working principle.

If it can appear in search results with lightweight keywords, then we can improve using keywords that have heavy competition. In principle, the important thing can appear in the search results first, using lightweight keywords is not a problem.

3. Create relevant posts - Create quality, unique and useful articles / writing / content, but don't get out of the main topic of the blog. Then, create links between pages that can promote each other so that each of them can be read by visitors to increase traffic.

4. Prepare SEO ONPAGE - Example SEO ONPAGE, such as optimizing the use of keywords in the Meta Title, Meta Description, and so on according to the results of keyword analysis.

5. Indexing - While waiting for your post to enter Google, you can share it to social media so that your post is indexed faster by Google.

6. Do SEO OFFPAGE - Examples of SEO OFFPAGE can be to use commenting backlink patterns, wheel / pyramid backlinks, submit to social bookmarks, and so on. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)

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