
I-Tsing, Monk from China Records The Position of The Sriwijaya Capital


INDEPHEDIA.com - I-Tsing, Monk from China notes: IN Shili Foshi, in the middle of the eighth and mid-spring (second month), the clock plate (shadow of the pole) is not shaded. 

Someone who stands in the middle of the day is not shaded. The sun is directly overhead twice a year.

That is a bit of information given by I-Tsing or Yi Jing, a Chinese monk about the location of the center of the Srivijaya Kingdom in his book Nanhai. 

Yi Jing is one of the three famous pilgrims from China. His predecessors were Fa Xian and Xuan Zang.

So far the location of the Sriwijaya Kadatuan center is still a problem. Because the capital city moves. 

Indian historian Ramesh Chandra Majumdar believes that Srivijaya should be sought in Java. 

Bachelor in Netherlands, J.L. Moens suspected that Srivijaya was based in Kedah (Malaysia) and moved to Muara Takus (Riau, Sumatera Island, Indonesia). 

While other historians, G. Coedes, Slamet Muljana, and O.W. Wolters, more like Palembang.

Based on Sriwijaya inscriptions found in Palembang, it is suspected that the location of the city of Sriwijaya was Palembang. 

Kedukan Bukit Inscription, for example, dated June 16, 682 AD, marks the construction of a village. 

The Talang Tuo inscription, dated March 23 684 AD, marks the construction of Taman Sri Ksetra. The Telaga Batu Inscription marks the oath officials.

Based on Yi Jing's notes which were then calculated astronomically, the location of Shili Foshi was thought to be not far from Palembang. 

When measured in terms of soltice, which can be said to be accurate, Shili Foshi is not located in Palembang City now or around Upang-Sungsang at the mouth of the Musi River.

However, if measured by season, it is likely that the location of Shili Foshi, which is closest to Palembang, is around Kuala Tungkal Jabung. 

This is in accordance with the opinion of the epigraphy expert, Boechari, if Yi Jing wrote his notes about the gnomon (shadow pillar) when he was in a Shili Foshi region, not in the capital Shili Foshi.

Yi Jing also wrote about the expansion of Srivijaya's territory when he returned to the Malay in 685 or early 686 AD. "Noted Yi Jing.

What Yi Jing wrote was exactly what was written in the Kedukan Bukit Inscription. In 683, Sri Dapunta Hyang held a victory parade (Jayasiddhayatra) over the Malay conquest.

In his writings, Yi Jing uses two different terms to refer to Srivijaya: Fo-shi and Shili Foshi alternately. 

Shinta Lee, translator of travel notes Yi Jing suspect, the capital of Srivijaya was originally called Fo-shi. 

But the kingdom grew rapidly and extended to Malay, which later became the territory of the king of Fo-shi. 

So the whole area and also its capital bears the name of Shili Foshi. (TK2 / ENG / *)
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