
Best Time To Visit Venice


INDEPHEDIA.com - If you are planning a trip to Venice, winter is the best time to visit this city in Italy.

A visit to Venice during winter can be very relaxing. Because, in winter the number of tourist visits is small.

As summer passes, apart from fewer tourists, the restaurants and shops are less crowded.

Thus, it will be very easy for you to go in and out of tourist areas and explore parts of the city that are usually closed to the public in summer.

The beauty of the city of canals and bridges comes to life at night with illuminated bridges and boats all decorated with colorful lights and lanterns.

You can also enjoy a romantic stroll along the banks of the canal while taking in the stunning views of the Grand Canal.

In Venice, you will get a much more authentic city experience, especially if you are planning to visit one of the museums or tourist attractions.

While there are generally fewer visitors during the winter months, accommodation and many hotels are much cheaper and more comfortable.

In addition, the atmosphere of the city becomes more romantic at night with live music from the city's cafes and small bars.

As is known, the weather during winter in Venice will be slightly cold with an average temperature of 38°F (3°C) in January and 41°F in February.

But, visiting Venice in winter is quite enjoyable. Of course, always keep yourself warm and dry during your stay in Venice.

Winter in Venice is generally between December and February. However, months like November and March can also feel winter in Venice.

During winter in Venice, apart from snowing, you can also see beautiful sunsets over the canals. (*)

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