
The Kingdoms of Bengkulu

Fort Marlborough in Bengkulu. (Photo Source: Satujuang)

INDEPHEDIA.com - Bengkulu is a province on the island of Sumatra with the provincial capital in Bengkulu City.

The 26th province of Indonesia is the first smallest province on the mainland of Sumatra Island and the tenth smallest province in Indonesia.

In the past, in Bengkulu Province there were kingdoms based on ethnicity, such as the Sungai Serut Kingdom and the Selebar Kingdom.

Then, the Patpetulai Kingdom, the Balai Buntar Kingdom, the Sungai Lemau Kingdom, the Sekiris Kingdom, the Gedung Agung Kingdom and the Marau Riang Kingdom.

Under the Sultanate of Banten these kingdoms became vazal, namely establishing relations with the ruling monarchy.

Vazals or vassals were usually in the form of military support, mutual protection, or the provision of tribute, receiving certain guarantees and rewards in return.

Since the 17th century AD, parts of the Bengkulu region have also been under the rule of Indera Pura, a kingdom located in the present-day Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra. (*)

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