
Another Name For The Island of Sumatra


INDEPHEDIA.com - The island of Sumatra is one of the five largest islands in Indonesia with an area of 473,481 square kilometers.

The island, which is located in the western part of Indonesia and has 10 provinces, has an elongated shape from north to south.

Known by Various Names and Designations

The island of Sumatra is known by various names and titles, including Andalas, Percha Island and Suwarnadwipa.

On the Padang Roco Inscription dated 1286, the words Swarnnabhumi and Bhumi Malayu are inscribed to refer to the island.

Here are the meanings of the words Andalas, Percha Island, Suwarnadwipa, Swarnnabhumi and Bhumi Malayu.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word Andalas is the island of Sumatra.

Another meaning of Andalas is a tree that reaches 35 meters high, the wood is strong and hard like teak, used for house floors or furniture.

Percha Island
It is called Percha Island because this island grows a lot of gummy trees. The synonym of the word patch = rubber = sap. Patches can also mean pieces of woven materials, textiles, clothes.

Suwarnadwipa comes from Sanskrit which means "golden island".

Swarnnabhumi comes from Sanskrit which means "land of gold".

Bhumi Malayu
Bhumi Malayu means Malay Earth.

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