
Here are the 10 most unique attractions that only exist in Indonesia


The ten most unique tourist objects in Indonesia are not even found in other countries on earth.

INDEPHEDIA - Indonesia has many unique and only tourist destinations in the world. This destination is not even found in other countries so it is feasible to blow up so that many people know it.

The following is INDEPHEDIA summarizing tourist attractions in Indonesia that are unique and cannot be found in any country in this hemisphere.

1. Komodo Island

The determination of Komodo Island as one of the newest seven wonder is not without cause. This island is very exotic and beautiful in every corner. You can find interesting spots that contain dragons, giant lizards that only exist in Indonesia.

Besides komodo dragons, you can get a very beautiful beach with pink sand. Visiting Komodo Island will provide a valuable experience to anyone including foreign travelers who are willing to come all the way.

2. Mount Kelimutu

The uniqueness of Mount Kelimutu is the presence of three crater lakes at its peak. This lake has different colors and always changes over time. Sometimes it is green, black, and blue depending on the water content and also the influence of the weather.

Oh yes, for the locals, this lake is a place for spirits to go home. Not surprisingly, the people here highly respect Mount Kelimutu for its super unique crater.

3. Gong Cave

Gong Cave, located in Pacitan, East Java, looks beautiful not only because of the stalactites and stalagmites that fill the room. But also because of the many rocks that can echo sound. Every rock is hit, the sound that resembles a gong will be heard very loud and echoing.

It is from this rock that can be used as a gong that I began to become famous and is now one of the mainstay destinations in the Pacitan region.

4. Lake Toba and Samosir Island

Lake Toba becomes very unique and cannot be matched by other lakes in the world is the island in the middle. In this place, you can explore a very wide lake while fishing or landing on Samosir Island and enjoy the local wisdom of the residents inside. When visiting this place, don't forget to taste the cuisine, because the food here is known for being unique and delicious.

5. Lake Kakaban

Lake Kakaban is a freshwater lake that is truly unique and cannot be found in other regions around the world. On this lake, you will find lots of non-toxic jellyfish.

Yes, this jellyfish has been trapped here for thousands of years so the poison is gone so you can plunge and swim in there. At present, Lake Kakaban, located in the Derawan Islands, is starting to become a reliable destination capable of surpassing Raja Ampat in Papua.

6. Ijen Crater

Tourist attractions that offer craters may have been found in many countries, including Indonesia. However, the crater that is capable of emitting blue light at dawn is only found in Ijen, Banyuwangi, Indonesia.

In the Ijen crater, you can do two interesting activities. First saw the blue fire at dawn and the second trekking while watching the miners passing tirelessly with very large sulfur stones.

7. Tanjung Puting

Tanjung Puting is a national park in which there are many amazing orangutans. When visiting Tanjung Puting, you can tour for three days.

During this tour session, you will be taken around the forest area while walking along a very wide river. Satisfied with the view of the forest and the orangutans that sometimes appear, you can come to captivity to feed those already rare animals.

8. Trunyan's funeral

Visiting Bali will not be complete without visiting Trunyan Village. In this place, you will not meet interesting attractions such as in Kuta or Seminyak, but a traditional cemetery that is very terrible.

In this place, people who die are not buried in the ground. They were left just like that on the ground covered with white cloth and covered with wood around it. Even though it was left to parse on the ground, the smell of the corpse didn't smell at all. This area is still fresh because the smell of corpses is absorbed by the Taru Menyan tree.

9. Burying a Baby (Passing)

Still about funerals, this time we jumped to Tana Toraja. Here there is a unique place called Kambira that has trees for baby funerals. Those who have died since childhood and do not have teeth will be buried inside the Tarra tree.

This tree was chosen because it has a very high sap content. Local people assume that this sap is a substitute for milk from his mother. Burial in this way is thought to return the baby to the mother's womb to be reborn later.

10. Dieng Crater

Unlike the Ijen crater which has a blue fire, Dieng crater actually has a mobile crater. In a certain period of time, hot steam and volcanic material move from one place to another.

Not surprisingly, the crater is named Sikidang which is taken from the name of the animal Kidang (Deer) who likes to jump from one place to another quickly. Sikidang Crater is the main attraction even though its location is on a very cold plateau.

Thus 10 tourist attractions in Indonesia are unique and difficult to find in other countries. So, if you want to travel, why not visit the 10 places above. If only Caucasians are willing to go far to Indonesia, we should be more enthusiastic and first to visit unique attractions in this archipelago. (***)

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