
Bagelen, the First Colonization Area in Indonesia

Colonists in Bagelen, Gedong Tataan, Pesawaran, Lampung. Photos were made in 1927. (Photo Doc: Repro)
In general, a group of colonists from Java who came to the Gedong Tataan area were divided into 5 stages, namely the first generation in 1905, the second generation in 1906, the third generation in 1907, the fourth generation in 1908 and the fifth generation arrived in 1909.

INDEPHEDIA - The history of population movements between islands in Indonesia, or better known as transmigration, began during the occupation of the Dutch colonial government, which was then called colonization. Whereas those who follow this program are called colonists. Most of the people who colonize come from Java and their placement is on the island of Sumatra.

The colonization program in Indonesia was a strategic part of ethical politics (etische politiek) launched by Governor General Van Deventer, namely politics of reciprocation towards the people which in general included irrigation programs, education and colonization itself.

Ethical politics of strategic efforts used by the Dutch East Indies government when launching its expansion out of Java, especially those that were the main target of the area on the island of Sumatra. Their efforts to expand the plantation area outside of Java Island were built with a very accurate sociological and anthropological approach.

The first colonization in Indonesia, the initial placement was in Lampung. Residents who came from Java Island were placed in Lampung began in 1905. At that time, the first generation caravan was brought by one of the leaders who acted as a coordinator named Kartoredjo.

The group was also referred to as the forerunner of the residents of Bagelen Village, the first batch of Gedong Tataan. They mostly consist of colonists from the area of ​​Bagelen, Purworejo, Kedu Residency, Central Java. The colonization group from Java moved to Lampung to be transported by ship docked at Teluk Betung Port.

After they arrived at Teluk Betung Port, to the location of the placement then walk. The area they headed was a place called Gedong Tataan. For three days the group walked. Luggage from Java is carried or carried. When tired the group rests. The intended area, namely Gedong Tataan, turned out to still be in the form of thicket forest and the place has not been inhabited by many people.
At that time, a group of colonists from the Kartoredjo generation were 43 people, of whom 3 were women. All three were given special assignments for cooking. At that time, how difficult it was to break through the forest. The road they passed was still a path. Meanwhile, Lampung's native inhabitants in this area are mostly still dwellings / dukuhs and banners.

Upon arrival at the destination, they begin cutting down trees and shrubs in the area they are intended to. Henceforth, after the placement area was open, gradually these colonists built their dwellings clad in planks or wood and roofed thatch.

The arrival of the colonists from Bagelen, Purworejo, Kedu, Central Java to Gedong Tataan, in its placement did not happen at once. The group came gradually over a period of several years. Along the same, prepared areas or residential land carried out by a group of predecessors.

The presence of colonists with their place of residence, grew new villages in this area. Places that were once sparsely populated and still overgrown with trees and shrubs everywhere were gradually starting to settle more.

After the arrival of colonists to this area, the development of new openings continued to progress. Not only in terms of the level of crowds and physical buildings, but also the area is gradually becoming more open. The colonists also increased. As migrants, they want to work to meet their daily needs and to develop their area even though everything is still limited at that time.

In general, the group of colonists from Java who came to the Gedong Tataan area were divided into 5 stages, namely the first generation in 1905, the second generation in 1906, the third generation in 1907, the fourth generation in 1908 and the fifth generation arrived in 1909. colonists planned for the Dutch East Indies government for a period of 5 consecutive years.

Furthermore, in 1910 the Dutch East Indies colonial government gave a policy by surrendering land in Bagelen Village, Gedong Tataan, to the villagers for 537 bauw or about 424 hectares. Every family head (KK) gets a share of 1 bauw land. With details, 0.25 bauw for the yard and 0.75 bauw for rice fields or cultivation.

Broadly speaking, based on the monograph of Bagelen Village, Gedong Tataan, the number of colonization residents from the Bagelen area, Purworejo, Central Java, were brought to the Gedong Tataan area, the first group arrived in 1905 as many as 43 people, consisting of 40 men and 3 women led by Mr. Eteeng.

In 1906, or the second group followed 203 people or 100 heads of households (KK) led by Mr. Heers. In 1907, there were more than 100 people or 50 families. This third group was led by Mr. Alweek. The fourth group in 1908 followed as many as 500 people or 250 families led by Mr. Baang and the fifth group in 1909, the number of lives brought was unclear. The same is true of leading the group.

Of the five known waves, the arrival of the most colonists of his group was brought in in 1908. The group led by Tuan Baang reached 250 heads of households or as many as 500 people. While the group arrived a little in the first wave of 1905 led by Mr. Eteeng. The colonists brought in only 43 people, of which 3 were women.

Based on the division of land to each head of the family, the houses of colonists in the area opened are arranged in a row with a position lined up and limited by a connecting road. Uniquely, the roads in this village are in the form of an intersection (three intersections) and a number of intersections that stretch straight to the next junction.

Villages of colonists in Gedong Tataan from time to time continue to experience growth. From 1905 to 6 June 1987, Bagelen Village consisted of 10 (ten) hamlets, each in Bagelen I, Bagelen II, Bagelen III, Bagelen IV, Bagelen V (Jembarangan), Bagelen VI (Kutoarjo I), Bagelen VII ( Kutoarjo II), Bagelen VIII (Karang Anyar I), Bagelen IX (Karang Anyar II) and Bagelen X (Wonorejo).

When Budi Utomo was the first modern organization in Indonesia to be established on May 20, 1908, which was a milestone in the beginning of the national movement, there were no signs that this organization had a major influence in Lampung, especially in the village of Begelen, Gedong Tataan. Budi Utomo's followers in this area have not yet been seen, even though here before and after colonization has taken place from 1905 to 1909.

This is understandable, considering that the Javanese people who colonized the Pesawaran area at that time were mostly ordinary people who did not understand correctly in organizing. They are not to be educated or given freedom to participate in an organization. Meanwhile, Budi Utomo generally moved a lot among the educated, the nobility and prijajis all of whom could be classified as elite.

Nevertheless, despite the milestones of the national movement in Java, the arrival of hundreds of colonists from Central Java (Central Java) to this area has also become a new chapter in the development and integration of people between islands in the country, before the government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) program was known as transmigration.

The development of the population's population continues to grow from time to time, making the village increasingly crowded. This increase in soul, is not only due to the arrival of a group of colonists in several stages, but its development is also from subsequent generations. Since June 6, 1987, Bagelen Village has been divided into several villages whose territory consists of a number of hamlets, including the Hamlet of Bagelen I, Bagelen II, Bagelen III and Bagelen IV.

The village head (Kades) who once headed Bagelen Village, Gedong Tataan Subdistrict, included Poerwo (1905-1907), Kartoredjo (1907-1912), Sastro Sentiko (1912-1920), Pawiro Tinoyo (1920-1945), Mangunrejo ( 1945-1958), Sastro Suwarno (1958-1968), Suparman (1968-1970), Ahmad Fariji (1970-1980), Toyo Day Rizal (1980-1988), Wagiso (1988-2006) and Edi Supriyanto (2006 to period 2013). (***)

Source: Book "Pesawaran District in Historical Strands", Author: Akhmad Sadad (Founder of INDEPHEDIA.com). Publisher: Pesawaran District Government, 2010-2011.

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