
Angklung, The Global Multitortal Musical Instrument


This instrument is made from bamboo, sounded by shaking (the sound is caused by the collision of a bamboo pipe body), resulting in vibrating sounds in the arrangement of tones of 2.3 to 4 tones in each small size.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Angklung is a multitortal (double-pitched) musical instrument that has traditionally developed in Sundanese communities on the western part of Java, Indonesia.

This instrument is made from bamboo, sounded by shaking (the sound is caused by the collision of a bamboo pipe body), resulting in vibrating sounds in the arrangement of tones 2, 3, to 4 tones in each small size.

Angklung has received official recognition from UNESCO as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The official submission of the certificate was held in Jakarta, on January 19, 2011.

This official recognition certificate was then submitted by the former Indonesian Ambassador to UNESCO, Tresna Dermawan Kunaefi, to the Minister of National Education, Muhammad Nuh.

Until now, angklung music is also popular abroad. Countries such as Korea, Japan and Malaysia have introduced angklung to school-age children. (NW.IN/ENG/*)

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