
Balian Dance, Borneo Dayak Tribe Art Treatment


Today, in addition to treatment, Wadian / Balian / Belian has also been developed in such a way as one of the regional arts that can be enjoyed as an interesting art attraction.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Balian dance is a Dayak tribe art in Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is said that this dance was used in traditional ceremonies to treat people who were seriously ill. This Balian dance has a mystical connection in the method of treatment.

Wadian / Balian / Belian is a medical ceremony for the Dayak Bawo, Dusun, Maanyan, Lawangan, Benuaq and Bukit. These allied tribes live next door around the border area of ​​Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. Whereas, in the Malay Tribe inland (the Petalangan Malay Tribe / Talang mamak Tribe) is called Bulian.

Balian is often also used as a term for people who treat (physicians) in traditional Dayak medical ceremonies called Balian in various dialects, such as bolin (Pesaguan Dayak), boretn (Dayak Simpakng), Baliatn (Dayak Jalai).

Today, in addition to treatment, Wadian / Balian / Belian has also been developed in such a way as one of the regional arts that can be enjoyed as an interesting art attraction and also used during the wedding ceremony which is commonly called Wurung Jue. (BD.IN/ENG/*)

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