
Bumiayu Temple, Hindu Heritage Trail on the Lematang River Coast


Population stories recorded by A.J. Knaap in 1902 stated that what is now called the temple in Bumiayu was the former palace of an empire called Gedebong Undang.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Candi Bumiayu is one of the Hindu heritage sites found on the coast of the Lematang River, precisely in Bumiayu Village, Tanah Abang District, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia.

Until now, Candi Bumiayu is the only Temple Complex in South Sumatra. No less than 9 temple buildings have been found and 4 of them have been restored, namely Temple 1, Candi 2, Candi 3 and Candi 8.

Preservation of these sites has begun in 1990 until now. The Bumiayu Temple Complex covers an area of ​​75.56 ha, with an outer boundary, in the form of 7 (seven) river ditches which some have experienced siltation.

The existence of temples in Bumiayu is a death monument, or a monument that has been abandoned by the supporting community. The temple was abandoned, perhaps in line with the urgency of Hindu political power by Islam around the 16th century.

The temples were gradually damaged and buried so that they were rediscovered by E.P. Tombrink in 1864. The monumental inheritance and its cultural system were completely lost from the heir's collective memories. It appears that the inhabitants of the Earth did not recognize their original function.

Population stories recorded by A.J. Knaap in 1902 stated that what is now called the temple in Bumiayu was the former palace of an empire called Gedebong Undang.

Also told, the kingdom's territory reached Modong and Babat. F.M. Schnitger reported that in the two villages there were also Hindu relics (1934: 4), but had now been lost due to the erosion of the Lematang River. (SJ.IN/ENG/R-01)

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