
Balaputra Dewa Museum, State Museum of South Sumatra Province


The State Museum of South Sumatra Province, Sumatra Island, Indonesia was built in 1978 and was inaugurated on November 5, 1984.

INDEPHEDIA.com - If you are going to or are in Palembang City, Sumatra Island, Indonesia, don't also take the time to visit the State Museum of South Sumatra Province "Balaputera Dewa", having its address at Jl. Sriwijaya I No. 288 Km. 5.5, Sukaramai, Palembang 30139.

With an area of ​​23,565 square meters, the State Museum of South Sumatra Province was built in 1978 and was inaugurated on November 5, 1984. The museum, formerly known as the Balaputra Dewa Museum, is managed by the National Education Office of the Province of South Sumatra.

The museum was built with traditional Palembang architecture. There are about 3,800 collections, consisting of various types of collections which are classified into 10 types, including Geology, Biology, traditional Palembang goods, animal offset from various regions in South Sumatra and several miniature homes in the interior.

In addition, there are also ancient statues replicas that have been found on Siguntang Hill. This archaeological collection of the State Museum of the Province of South Sumatra can be classified into three periods, namely the prehistoric period, the pre-Srivijaya period and the Srivijaya period. (JS.IN/ENG/R-01)
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