
Costa Rica, A Country With Beautiful and Interesting Natural Attractions


With more than a quarter of the area used as national parks or nature reserves, Costa Rica has tremendous opportunities to explore natural wonders.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Costa Rica or Rich Coast is a fun, calm and modern, one of the most popular destinations in the world. With more than a quarter of the area used as national parks or nature reserves, Costa Rica has tremendous opportunities to explore natural wonders.

Look at the big cats in Corcovado National Park, monkeys and turtles in Tortuguero, or various types of orchids in the Monteverde Cloud Forest, all the flora and fauna you can find in this country.

The most visited Central American countries offer exciting surfing activities, a number of marvelous beaches in Tamarindo, and the charming Arenal volcano.

Costa Rica is one of the world leaders in conservation towards a tropical country. According to ABTA, this would make the country of Costa Rica a hot country in 2019. Launching from the Happy Planet Index, Costa Rica is also one of the happiest places in the world. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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