
Enjoy Beautiful and Amazing Beaches in Brazil


Some cities in Brazil are also famous for the beautiful and amazing beaches that are interesting for you to visit.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Besides being famous for football, many destinations in Brazil are popular and amazing as tourist destinations, such as Rio de Janeiro and Iguazu Falls, one of the most amazing natural wonders in the world.

The largest country in South America has the Amazon rainforest in the north, tropical beaches along the Atlantic, Pantanal wetlands to dynamic cities in the southeast. Some cities in Brazil are also famous for the beautiful and amazing beaches that are interesting for you to visit.

In Salvador for example, the state capital of Bahia, the third largest city in Brazil and this historic old city in America has a beautiful beach. Likewise Recife, the capital of the state of Pernambuco and one of the largest and most important cities on the northeast coast of Brazil, which is dubbed the "Venice of Brazil". Recife is located in the middle of a tropical forest, surrounded by islands and rivers, making this city a popular tourist destination because of its natural scenery.

The next beach resort in Brazil is Fortaleza, the capital of the state of Ceará on the northeast coast of the country. The fifth largest city in Brazil has beautiful beaches, as well as dynamic shopping activities and lively culture. In Fortaleza, visitors can enjoy spectacular beaches, sand dunes and beautiful fishing villages above and around the coast of Ceará.

The last beach tourism in Brazil that INDEPHEDIA.com recommends is in Parati City (Spelled: Paraty). The popular tourist attraction in Parati is located along the Green Coast, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. This beautiful Portuguese former city founded on the banks of Ilha Grande Bay is a paradise of tropical forests, waterfalls, emerald seas and coastal mountains. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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