
Mentawai Island, Spot Surfing That is Interested in World Surfers


INDEPHEDIA.com - The Mentawai Islands are administratively included in the West Sumatra Province. Despite having to take a long sea route, this destination owned by the Sikerei Earth nickname has great tourism potential. Face to face with the Indian Ocean, making the sea on the coast of the Mentawai Islands has waves that are much in demand by world surfers.

Almost every year the archipelago hosts a world-class surfing competition called Mentawai Pro, along with other regions such as West Sumbawa Pro, Krui Pro, Bali Pro Shampoo, Simeulue Pro, Cimaja Pro, Pacitan Pro, Rote Pro, Nias Pro, Mandalika Pro Lombok and Kuta Pro. In Mentawai itself, seven out of a total of 71 surfing spots are part of the ten best surfing spots in the world.

Mentawai, indeed a tourist place that is quite challenging. For those of you who like to surf here a lot of exciting big waves. There are waves of Kandui Left, Baby Kandui, Malibu Right, 4 Bobs, to Rifles around Kandui Resort. For those around Nyang-Nyang Island, there are waves of Nipussi, Bankvault, Pit Stops, E-bay, until Beng-beng which is no less challenging.

Other beautiful beaches in Mentawai, namely Mapadenggat Beach on Sipora Island. Mapadeggat Beach is only 6 km from the Tuapeijat Pier. The beach is long with white sand. Very natural with rows of coconut trees that add to its beauty.

Here, you can swim or learn to surf because the waves are very good. One of the famous surf waves is on Mapadeggat Beach, the waves of Telescope. Many surf players come to hunt Telescope waves. To get to this beach you can rent an ojek or take a minibus for public passengers with a distance of only 15 minutes from the pier. (NW.IN/ENG*)
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