
Enjoy The Enchantment of The Red Beach in Panjin China


For those who are curious, the best time to enjoy this stretch of giant carpet is in September. In that month, the grass begins to change color to bright red, and finally covers the entire surface of the beach.

INDEPHEDIA.com - If vacationing to the beach to see the stretch of white sand on the beach is certainly normal. But, if on the shoreline it is red, certainly not something else than usual. This unique red beach is in the Liaohe River delta, about 30 kilometers southwest of Panjin City, China.

As the name implies, this beach is indeed red. In fact, it looks like the color of blood because this beach is filled with bright red grass. The uniqueness of the Red Beach has attracted a lot of tourists' attention. This beach is also one of the favorite locations of travelers who are on holiday to the country.

The color of the red grass covered almost 6,000 hectares of land. In contrast to the view from afar, if you look closely, it turns out that the blood red is more like a giant carpet stretch. This comes from grass that grows on the edge of the beach, namely sea-blite grass.

Certainly again, the red covering the Red Beach cannot be seen at any time. This color can only be seen when autumn arrives. At that time, the grass that was originally green turned red.

If you want to see it immediately, avoid coming in April-May. At that time, the grass was not red, but green. Then, over the mud that surrounds the coast, sea-blite grass will change color gradually.

For those who are curious, the best time to enjoy this giant carpet carpet comes in September. In that month, the grass begins to change color to bright red, and finally covers the entire surface of the beach.

From the wooden bridge, you can see this beautiful scenery more satisfied. Birds looking for food among the thick grass are perfect sweeteners.

Here, there are around 236 species of birds that make this grass its habitat. The most abundant bird on this beach is seagulls. Take your eyes further, there is a group of seals who are busy playing on the edge of the high seas.

Photography lovers don't miss the opportunity to witness this amazing sight. Take out your camera, and catch every beautiful moment in the place. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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