
Painted Dunes, Colorful Volcanic Sand Dunes in the United States


In addition to the colorful Painted Dunes, the Lassen Volcanic National Park also offers another beauty, four types of volcanoes. You who like adventure are very suitable for adventure here.

INDEPHEDIA.com - The colorful volcanic sand dunes of natural paintings called the Painted Dunes, in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, United States, steal the attention of tourists. If it is usually found in volcanic sand blackish brown or gray, but the sand on this hill is of a different color than the others.

The Painted Dunes, as the name suggests are sand dunes that have color. This colored sand dune is formed from a layer of oxidized volcanic ash. The ash from the mountain becomes so clearly oxidized and colored because it falls above the lava flow when it's still hot.

The beautiful and unique Painted Dunes are a place for tourists to find silence. If you want to see this beautiful sand, you can climb on Cinder Cone. From here a traveler can see the vastness of beautiful sand dunes more freely.

These beautiful colors are seen above the sand mound that forms a vortex. A variety of colors, ranging from dark red, pink, until the gray heaps of one another mix together to form a beautiful gradation between the trees that are there.

In addition to the colorful Painted Dunes, the Lassen Volcanic National Park also offers another beauty, four types of volcanoes. You who like adventure are very suitable for adventure here.

It is recommended, if you go to The Painted Dunes you must have a full day. Don't be in a hurry. Because, this place is wide enough to be explored. Eit, don't forget too, because this place is very photogenic, before exploring, bring in the necessary supplies, such as food and drinks, chargers, cameras to take photos or videos or more! (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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