
Salar de Uyuni in South America, The Widest Unique Salt Plain in The World


Every year, it is estimated that Salar de Uyuni contains 10 billion tons of salt, and less than about 25,000 tons of salt are obtained from the plains in the altitude of South America.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Salar de Uyuni, also called the Salar de Tunupa, is the largest salt plateau in the world, located in the Potosi and Oruro departments, southeast Bolivia, near the peak of the Andes, South America, at an altitude of 3650 meters.

This unique plain was formed in a long time. About 40,000 years ago, the lake was part of Lake Michin, a large lake in prehistoric times. When it dries, there are 2 lakes left, namely Lake Poopó and Uru Uru, and 2 of the largest salt deserts, Salar de Coipasa and Salar de Uyuni.

In a few times a year the plain gets raindrops covered with a thin layer of water. That's when Salar de Uyuni became the biggest natural mirror on the face of the earth.

The surface is perfectly flat and clear, in some places there that reflects the reflection of the sky and clouds above, resulting in an amazing sight for anyone who witnessed it.

Every year, it is estimated that Salar de Uyuni contains 10 billion tons of salt, and less than about 25,000 tons of salt are obtained from the plains in the altitude of South America.

Every November, Salar de Uyuni is home to 3 flamingo species in South America: Chilean, Danes, and James flamingos and several other species of animals.

The largest salt plain in the world, because of its uniqueness attracts a lot of interest from tourists from various countries. Next INDEPHEDIA.com summarizes some of the uniqueness of Salar de Uyuni.

1. The largest salt producer in the world

Salar de Uyuni is formed from this salt crust with a flat surface about one meter thick that covers the entire surface of the lake. Salar de Uyuni contains 10 billion tons of salt and every year around 25,000 tons of salt are produced from this plain.

2. Located in the highest land of Latin America

During this time we know the existence of salt is identical to the sea. However, this was not the case with Salar de Uyuni. The plain which has another name Salar de Tunupa is located at an altitude of thousands of meters above sea level or equivalent to tens of thousands of feet. So, this salt plain is not on the edge of the sea as we know it.

3. Formed from a prehistoric lake

This plain was formed from a huge lake transformation from 42,000 to 30,000 years ago, namely Lake Minchin. A number of studies have reported that in those days radiocarbons formed corals from deposits and carbonate coral reefs that appeared on the surface of the earth. Lake Minchin transformed into several lakes and plains. The biggest is the salt flats of Uyuni.

4. There are islands in the middle of the salt plains

Isla Incahuasi or Incahuasi Island is the name of the island located in the middle of the plain of Uyuni salt. The area, about 24.62 hectares. Incahuasi is also a place to grow giant cactus.

5. Store lithium reserves

This salt crust is a source of salt production rich in lithium, about 50 to 70 percent of lithium reserves worldwide. Lithium is the main component in a battery that has a vital function for cellphones, laptops, and even electric cars. With an estimated nine million tons of lithium contained in the Uyuni salt plains, Bolivia has 43 percent lithium reserves in the world.

6. Satellite observation site on earth

With Uyuni's vast, flat and very clear surface, it makes this plain an ideal object for the altimeter to observe Earth's satellites.

7. Unique species habitat

Some flora and fauna species are the main habitat for residents of Salar de Uyuni. Reportedly, there are more than 80 species of birds that live in Uyuni, such as the Andean goose, and the Andean hillstar. There are also typical Andean foxes that live on the island of Incahuasi, one of the islands in Salar de Uyuni.

Most famous are three pink American flamingo species that live in Uyuni. This pink color is thought to originate from algae. The three are Chilean flamingos, Andes and James.

8. Can be visited every season

This Salar de Uyuni salt plain can actually be visited by tourists in every season. During the rainy season between December and April, visitors can see the Uyuni salt flats that reflect the sky. However, it should be wary, high rainfall in December and January can actually cancel your intention to visit the Uyuni salt flats.

In the dry season that occurs from May to November, the temperature there is even cooler. The advantage, the terrain there is more hardened so tourists can reach every inch of the Uyuni salt plains and enjoy the charm. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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