
Colosseum, Historical Relics and Popular Attractions in Italy


INDEPHEDIA.com - Colosseum (Kolosseum), is a historical heritage which is also one of Italy's landmarks. The largest amphitheater built by the Roman Empire shows the work of architecture that is very complex and also charming.

This site is located in a small city in Italy, Rome, which was founded by the Mayor of Vespasian during Domitianus in 72 AD which was completed by his son Titus in AD 80, and is one of the greatest works of architecture of the Roman Empire ever built.

The Colosseum was erected adjacent to a magnificent palace that was previously built by Nero named Domus Aurea, which was built after the great fire in Rome in 64 AD.

The name of the Colosseum is taken from the name of a statue made of copper as high as 130 feet or 40 meters, Colossus. The Colossus statue was remade as a substitute for Nero as a parable of Sol the Sun God, by adding a sun crown.

Besides being taken from the name of the Colosseum, the place is also referred to as the Flavian Amphitheater which is unknown who gave the name. In Italy, the Coloseum is named il colosseo but other Roman languages ​​use the names le colisée and el coliseo to refer to the Colosseum.

The Colosseum, in the form of a gladiatorial arena, was built by Vespasian. The large elliptical performance venue called the amphitheater or real name Flavian Amphitheater, is one of the Sixty-Nine Wonders of the Middle World.

A historian, Dio Cassius said, there were about 9,000 wild animals that had been killed in 100 days as a celebration of the inauguration and opening of the Colosseum. The floor of the Colosseum arena was covered with sand to prevent blood from flowing everywhere.

This historical place, which is also currently a popular tourist attraction in Italy, used to be often used as a location to hold a gladiatorial contest that could hold an audience of 50.00 people. In addition, various public events are also often held there. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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