
Five Tools Used to Generate Content for Blogs


INDEPHEDIA.com - An important component of any digital strategy is blogging. However, one of the problems with blogging is that it is often very difficult to find ideas and new content to post, especially if you have written more than one hundred posts.

In order not to run out of content for blogs, some bloggelers include 5 tools that can be used to find new ideas for blogs. According to them, these five tools have helped, not only to find the best ideas, but also to optimize old posts published with the latest information.

The five tools, namely Keyword Planner, Feedly, Google Trends & Google Alerts, Quora and Your Users (Google Analytics, Messages, Questions).

1. Keyword Planner
A good source for blog post ideas is a keyword planner. By starting with keywords, this tool allows you to find related keywords that users are looking for, helping you to generate questions that they might have and can be answered with blog entries.

For example, we assume we have a blog about the Paleo diet. Use the keyword tool to find several related keywords. We know that people are looking for recipes, menus, reviews, breakfast, weight loss, and so on, giving lots of ideas for new SEO-optimized content.

Another more common tool is Google Keyword Planner, which requires that you create an Adwords account and offer free data on the number of searches and the volume of traffic.

2. Google Trends & Google Alerts
Another very useful Google service is Google Trends (formerly Google Insights for Search). This service analyzes the search volume for any keyword, and finds related keywords that you can use to generate ideas. Here, you can also compare two or more keywords to understand their relative interest (number of searches).

Similar to point 1, Google Alerts can monitor the web for certain keywords and send you a list of posts or new pages that talk about your company or about your blog topic. This can be very useful for discovering new content, such as blogs and websites that you can follow with Feedly.

3. Feedly
Feedly the best alternative for the old Google Reader. This news aggregator allows you to channel news from all relevant websites and blogs. Each website can be added to Feedly, and you can follow updates without visiting it.

The idea of ​​a news aggregator or feed reader becomes one of the sources that you check to get all the latest news about your business sector. You can add an unlimited number of websites and organize them into folders, make use of tags, market them as favorites, and more.

Then, how do you use Feedly to generate content ideas? Start by adding all the websites that are relevant to it, then visit and check for updates every day. You will find new ideas for your own posts.

If it turns out that the website you follow in Feedly is just the perfect post you want to write on your blog, don't be sad. Instead, go ahead and research how you can really improve that content and write better posts on your blog. You can do research on Google or try to look at their comments section to find questions that were not answered in the original post.

4. Quora
Quora is an online answer database, covering almost all topics and full of questions, many of which are unanswered. Your job is to find the topic of your blog and find the best questions. This can then be turned into new writing on your blog, or it can help improve existing optimization.

5. Your Users (Google Analytics, Messages, Questions)
Finally, your users, prospects, customers or clients are tools that you can use to generate new ideas. Pay attention to their messages and questions. Often replies can be integrated into blog posts or new blog posts can solve the problems they raise. Happy writing content! (SBB.IN/ENG/*)

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