
The Easy Way to Check WhatsApp Groups That Fulfill The Most Mobile Memory


INDEPHEDIA.com - Joining a WhatsApp (WA) group has many benefits. We will not lose communication and be able to share experiences and others.

Without us knowing it because most WA groups sometimes make mobile phones slow down. Because, many are used by the display of conversations, pictures, videos, or voice notes sent by friends in the WhatsApp group.

To find out which WhatsApp (WA) group uses the most memory, there is actually a way. To save your cellphone that has been slow, how to check the WhatsApp group that uses the most memory can be done either Android or iOS users with the same steps.

The first step, go to the 'Settings' menu. Then, select 'Data and Storage Usage', then proceed by selecting 'Storage Usage'. Next will appear a chat list, both group and personal, complete with information on how much memory is used.

This list is sorted from chat with the largest file size to the smallest. On that list you can also check what files are the biggest in the memory in the chat. Here, you can also immediately delete which chat or group eats the most memory.

Now, regarding WhatsApp memory, the following INDEPHEDIA.com also share about ways that media sent by your friends is not automatically downloaded immediately.

So that media that enters your cellphone is not downloaded automatically, how to: Enter the 'Settings' menu. Select 'Data and Storage Usage'. Under 'Media Auto Download' select 'When Using Mobile Data' and uncheck all boxes for multimedia file types. Done. Easy right way? (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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Siapapun boleh berkomentar, tetapi secara bijaksana dan bertanggung jawab. Biasakan berkomentar dengan nama yang jelas. Berkomentar dengan UNKNOWN atau SPAM akan dihapus. Komentar sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab individu komentator seperti yang diatur dalam UU ITE (Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik) maupun perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

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