
History, Definition, Function, Development and Benefits of The Internet


INDEPHEDIA.com - In this era, almost everyone cannot be denied, from children to adults or even the elderly even though they are already using the internet. Not only that, almost all aspects of work in our daily lives have relied on the internet.

Users can access the internet using computers, laptops, to mobile phones. With just a "click", what a person needs can be found on the internet, super smart sophisticated devices from the progress of science and technology and the development of this age.

It is no longer a secret trick if to find all solutions and answers can be done on the internet. When someone is looking for news, useful articles, playing games, looking for job vacancies, to order certain goods or products through the internet. Various types that you need can be found on the internet.

Definition and Function of The Internet

Understanding the Internet is a computer network that is interconnected by using a standard global transmission control protocol / internet protocol suite (TCP / IP) system that is used as a packet exchange protocol to serve billions of users throughout the world.

The internet is short for interconnected network. The internet can also be interpreted as a global communication network that is open and connects millions or billions of computer networks with various types and types, using communication types such as telephone, satellite, and so on.

Meanwhile, the function of the internet is simply as a medium of communication, one of the places to access information, share resources or data, so that you can broadcast and access directly both news and exchange data with the internet online throughout the world.

Internet History and Its Development

The internet is a computer network that was first formed by the United States Department of Defense in 1969, with an ARPA project called ARPANET. ARPA NET stands for Advanced Research Project Network Agency which demonstrates the way a computer and software has a UNIX base by communicating over long distances with telephone lines.

The ARPANET project is designed with the standardization of reliability and the amount of information that can be sent to exchange information from which TCP / IP is formed, known as the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). The initial purpose of the ARPANET Project was only military necessity to connect vital areas or areas.

In 1969 the ARPANET was initially only able to connect 4 sites such as the Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah. Then, in October 1972 the ARPANET was generally introduced and developed rapidly throughout the region until the ARPANET had difficulty.

From these difficulties, the ARPANET was split into two, namely MILNET for military purposes and APRANET for non-military purposes. Over time, the community became known as DARPA and simplified it to the Internet as it is today.

The term internet itself was first in 1982 with the development of name servers to make users able to connect to a particular host.

The development of the internet is now managed and maintained by multilateral agreements and protocols that display the transfer of data between circuits. The protocol was formed based on publicly open Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) discussions.

The agency that issues a document known as the RFC, namely Request For Comment, has part of the data made as an Internet Standard by the Internet Architecture Agency. Internet protocols commonly used are IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, IMAP, SMPTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSL, HTTP, LDAP, and others.

Benefits of Using The Internet

From the ease of accessing the internet, there are many benefits that can be obtained as a user. With a variety of functions and benefits, the internet is now like a necessity, ranging from media delivery and obtaining information to entertainment.

With the internet, making communication between individuals easier and faster, both domestically and abroad at a relatively low cost. The internet can also fill someone's free time and can entertain with a lot of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, music to playing games.

From the internet, we can share insights and knowledge throughout the world. This benefit is very easy for anyone, including students in finding information about the lesson.

Not only that, the internet can be used for shopping, known as online shopping. Online shopping provides convenience and efficiency where everyone does not need to go out and go to their destination in search of any item or object which can certainly take up your time.

At present, many people who use the internet as a medium for business to where to find jobs. Any business can be done on the internet, either directly or delivered through writing, uploading photos or videos.

In addition, with so many companies using the internet, it makes job vacancy information easier to publish and is known by job seekers, which is widely available on job information provider websites. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)

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