
Is Blood Cancer Leukemia or Not? Find The Answer


INDEPHEDIA.com - Someone has asked, actually blood cancer is leukemia or not? So as not to misunderstand what and how is blood cancer so it is not easy to believe the myths that are roaming out there, Senior Consultant Hematologist at Parkway Cancer Center (PCC), Singapore, Lim ZiYi, as INDEPHEDIA.com quotes and summarizes it as follows this.

1. Dollar plants can be a cause of leukemia

News has appeared that said the dollar plant can cause blood cancer. In fact, this assumption is very wrong. Although this plant is poisonous and can cause itching or irritation if swallowed, studies conducted by the Indonesian Knowledge Institute prove that this plant does not cause leukemia.

In fact, the results of research on dollar plants only contain oxalate which can cause itching, but it is not a carcinogen that can trigger leukemia.

2. Blood cancer, including hereditary diseases

Not a few who think that blood cancer is a hereditary disease. In fact, although blood cancer is a genetic disease, but gene changes in patients with blood cancer occur spontaneously and suddenly. This change is not inherited, but occurs when it has developed in the body.

Some risk factors that have been proven to trigger blood cancer are exposure to chemotherapy, radiation, or certain chemicals used in the petrochemical industry such as benzene.

3. Blood cancer is the same as leukemia

Many people think that these two diseases are the same. Blood cancer is the same as leukemia. It is true, but to be exact, leukemia is one of three types of blood cancer besides lymphoma and myeloma.

Leukemia results from abnormal white blood cell growth. Lymphomas attack the work of the lymph nodes and lymphatic system, usually called lymphatic disease. Whereas myeloma is formed from malignant plasma cells.

4. New blood cancer can be detected when it is in its final stage

Do not worry, blood cancer can be detected early by checking symptoms that often arise such as prolonged fever, weight loss drastically, and the appearance of swelling in the lymph for this type of lymphoma.

Health checks especially the number of blood cells can determine the condition of blood and cancer in the body. So there is no term 'stage' or late treatment of blood cancer. Because this type of cancer attacks blood cells that circulate throughout the body.

5. The spinal cord donor must come from the patient's family

Contrary to the myths circulating, patients can get a bone marrow transplant or stem cells from donors other than family or who have no blood relations. In fact, patients can also get a bone marrow donor from cord blood stock stored in the cord blood bank.

Donors themselves will not feel the long-term side effects other than feeling sick and tired no later than a week after the donor process. Current technological advances make the donor process does not require heavy operations.

6. Blood cancer is difficult to cure

Blood cancer sufferers do not necessarily just wait to die because the disease has not or cannot be cured. Until now there have been various breakthroughs in medical science that can help cure blood cancer. The most important key factor is the correct initial diagnosis and treatment that is appropriate to the specific conditions experienced by the patient.

Thus a number of explanations that are often circulating about blood cancer. Hopefully this article no longer makes it a misunderstanding and does not worsen the situation of patients and families of blood cancer patients, yes. Hopefully useful! (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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