
The Sensation of Soaking in Tirta Sanita Ciseeng Hot Spring Bathing Pool in Bogor


The bathing pool on the limestone hill not only offers the pleasure of soaking in warm, healthy water due to the sulfur content, but also offers a beautiful view from a height, in the form of rice fields and trees.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Tirta Sanita Ciseeng Hot Spring, a bathing tourist spot in the village of Bojong Indah, Parung, Bogor Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia, which is believed to be beneficial for the health and treatment of certain diseases.

Located not far from the Tangerang-Bogor alternative route and with a number of information boards pointing to that location make this hot water bath easy to find. Moreover, combined with the help of a location search application on "smartphones", Google Maps and Waze.

From the center of the capital city of Jakarta, the hot spring baths can be reached in only one and a half to two hours, while from the center of Bogor, only about 45 minutes by vehicle.

The bathing pool on the limestone hill not only offers a pleasant sensation of soaking in warm water that is healthy because of the sulfur content, but also offers a beautiful view from a height, in the form of rice fields and trees.

After entering the small gate at the entrance window, dozens of steps welcomed visitors to the plunge pool. On the hill, visitors can immediately enjoy the hot spring baths.

Not only bathing and swimming, visitors can also play flying fox and do outbound. Visitors can also smear the face and body with sulfur dissolved in warm water. Some visitors believe that sulfur is beneficial for physical health. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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