
This is The Right "Place" for Promotion of Products and Services Online


INDEPHEDIA.com - Currently, to market a product or service is not only offline, but can also be done online. One of the needs when trying to do business online, which is a place to do online promotion.

Because business is the same as sales, after all you must have a "place" to do business. Here are a few shanties, aka places that you can use for promotion while selling online.

- Search Engine (with SEO method).
- Social Media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Kaskus, Path, Pinterest, and so on.
- Marketplace, such as Bukalapak, OLX, Tokopedia in others.
- Create your own Business Website, such as a company profile web, or online web shop.
- Email Marketing, by building an email list first, then promoting through the email list.

However, many business people suggest that, even if you already have a good online place, don't also immediately get rid of offline promotions. Because, we will never know from which direction our customers come. Can be offline, can also be online. So ideally, online roads, offline is still running. Both complement each other. Agree? Happy doing business online! (SBB.IN/ENG/*)

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