- Dwipantara or Javanese Hindu kingdom Dwipa (Java Island) and Sumatra Island (Swarna Dwipa), as written by Indian scholars, have been around 200 BC.
Early physical evidence that mentions the existence of two kingdoms patterned Hinduism in the 5th century AD, namely the Kingdom of Tarumanagara in West Java and the Kingdom of Kutai on the coast of the Mahakam River, Kalimantan. In 425, it was estimated that Buddhism had reached the region.
The heritage of hundreds of years of civilization was marked by the establishment of two major kingdoms, namely Srivijaya in Sumatra from the 7th to the 14th century AD and Majapahit in the 13th to 16th centuries Java, coupled with dozens of smaller kingdoms that often became vazals of their more powerful or interconnected neighbors. in a kind of marriage and trade ties. This has happened before Western Europe experienced the Renaissance in the 16th century AD.
In the 4th century to the 7th century in the West Java region there was a Hindu-Buddhist style kingdom, namely the Tarumanagara kingdom which continued with the Sunda Kingdom until the 16th century. During the 7th to 14th centuries, the Srivijaya Buddhist kingdom flourished on the island of Sumatra.
The Chinese explorer I Ching visited his capital Palembang around 670. At the height of its glory, Srivijaya ruled the area as far as West Java and the Malay Peninsula. The 14th century also witnessed the rise of a Hindu kingdom in East Java, Majapahit.
Patih Majapahit Gajah Mada, between 1331 and 1364 succeeded in gaining power over the area which is now mostly in Indonesia along with almost the entire Malay Peninsula. The legacy of the Gajah Mada era includes the codification of law and in Javanese culture, as seen in the epic Ramayana. (SJ.IN/ENG/*)
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