
Tamblingan Like, Beautiful Lake Cool Breasts in Buleleng, Bali


INDEPHEDIA.com - Tamblingan Lake is a beautiful lake located on the northern slope of Mount Lesung, Munduk Village area, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali. This lake is one of three twin lakes that form in a large caldera.

Besides Tamblingan Lake, in the east respectively there are Buyan
Lake and Beratan Lake. Flanked by the surrounding forest and because of its location in the highlands makes the environment of these lakes air cool.

To get to Tamblingan
Lake, you can pass several paths. If you depart from Ngurah Rai airport, you will travel a distance of about 2 hours.

By going along the Bedugul highway to Singaraja and then up towards the hills, here you will see a sign that reads Lake Tamblingan. To go to Tamblingan
Lake, you will first pass through Pancasari Village, Wanagiri Village and Munduk Village. For more details, you can use Google Maps.

As one of the natural attractions, amblingan
Lake was not developed in the direction of modern tourism in order to preserve nature and the environment. The main attraction of this place is not only its natural charm, but also because of the many temples that save the history and development of Balinese civilization and culture, especially regarding the formation and development of Tamblingan Village.

Told, in the 10th century AD to 14 AD Tamblingan Lake environment is a settlement whose center is in Gunung Lesung south of the lake. For some reason, the population then moved to four different areas which are still close to the lake area.

These four villages were later called Catur Desa, which means four villages, namely Munduk, Gobleg, Gesing, and Umejero Villages. These four villages have spiritual ties and have responsibilities and obligations to maintain the sanctity of the lake and the surrounding temples.

The name Tamblingan comes from two words in the Balinese language, namely Tamba means medicine, and Elingang means remember or spiritual ability. It is said, in the Lontar Kutara Kanda Dewa Purana Bangsul that the people in the region are said to have been hit by an epidemic. As a way out someone who is purified then goes down to the small lake below the village to fetch water for medicine.

Thanks to his prayers and spiritual abilities, the water is then used as medicine and able to heal the villagers. The word Tamba and Elingang gradually became Tamblingan.

Because of this civilization, there are many temples in the Tamblingan Lake area. The temples include Dalem Tamblingan Temple, Endek Temple, Ulun Danu Temple and Sang Hyang Kangin, Sang Hyang Kawuh Temple, Gubug Temple, Tirta Mengening Temple, Naga Loka Temple, Steaming Temple, Embang Temple, Tukang Timbang Temple and others.

Among a number of temples around Tamblingan Lake, Embang Temple and Tukang Timbang Temple are a small temple area built from "beb some" stone. It is estimated, this temple relics of pre-Hindu society who before the 10th century AD had settled in the region. (SW.IN/ENG/*)
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