
The Legend and Mystery Behind Splendor of Ratu Boko Site


INDEPHEDIA.com - Ratu Boko (Baka) site or some call it Ratu Boko Palace or Boko Temple as an ancient site that is now also a tourist attraction, not just unique and enchanting but has a legend and keeps a mystery.

Compared to other heritage buildings, this site is one that has not been revealed with certainty the origin of the name or its founder because of the many versions that accompany it. Not to mention its location in the highlands, unlike the others on sloping land and lowlands.

This relic, which gives a description of the Ratu Boko Site in Sambireja Village, Prambanan Subdistrict, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, was obtained from the Abhayagiriwihara Inscription, the oldest evidence with the number 792 AD.

This inscription mentions a figure named Tejahpurnpane Panamkorono who is thought to be Rakai Panangkaran. This name is also mentioned in the Kalasan Inscription of 779 AD, Prasati Mantyasih 907 AD, and the Central Wanua Inscription III in 908 AD. Rakai Panangkaran is a figure who built Borobudur Temple, Kalasan Temple and Sewu Temple.

Although this inscription provides a fairly clear picture, but certainty about the Queen Boko Palace is still shrouded in mystery. When was this palace built was unknown. Who built this place also has not been revealed. What's the building for is also a question mark. Regarding its function, some historians have the view that this palace is a multifunctional building consisting of several components, namely the palace fortress (palace) and the cave.

The existence of a palace on a hill is of course a challenge in its development. The process is definitely more difficult to build in terms of procurement of labor and building materials. Unless the main building material is stone taken from the hill region itself. Of course this shows the high skills of the workers so that they are able to process rock hills into chunks that can be used as building materials.

Its location on a hill demands a spring and a water management system to meet daily needs. Bathing pool is an indication of this control system. The position on the hill is also able to offer cool air and beautiful natural scenery for its inhabitants while making it difficult for opponents who want to attack. The location of the palace on the hill also allows the worship process to take place more calmly.

Ratu Boko Palace is not just a sacred building (temple), but also a building that is profane. This is indicated by the existence of residential buildings with poles and roofs made of wood. In addition, there are buildings that are sacred and profane in the form of ponds and caves. Whatever its function, this palace is able to bring peace and tranquility of its inhabitants at that time.

The meaning of Ratu Boko Palace itself contains many meanings. At first the palace was named Abhayagiri Vihara (monastery on a peaceful hill) as a place of solitude and a place of concentration in search of spiritual life. This palace was established during the reign of Rakai Panangkaran, a descendant of the Syailendra Dynasty. The name Boko means Stork, but it is not certain whether the authorities at that time labeled themselves with the meaning of the name.

In a number of historical records, the Palace of the Queen of Boko Palace is the bastion of Balaputradewa or Rakai Kayuwangi, the youngest son of Rakai Pikatan. That said, Rakai Kayuwangi was attacked by Rakai Walaing Puhuyaboni, the great-grandson of Sanjaya men who felt he had more rights to the throne than Rakai Pikatan. This is because Rakai Pikatan is the husband of Pramodharwani, the crown princess of the Samarottungga who is a Buddhist.

In the battle Rakai Walaing was pushed back and forced to flee over the hills of Ratu Boko and make a fortress. But, in the end the Queen's Palace could be occupied by Balaputradewa (Rakai Kayuwangi) and damaged the inscriptions containing the Rakai Walaing lineage. Finally the names of Rakai Wailang's father, grandfather and great-grandfather disappeared from the inscription. This is where many mysteries remain unrevealed, including who the real palace founder was.

Ratu Boko Palace was first discovered by a Dutch archeologist, HJ De Graaf in the 17th century. From the 792 AD inscription comes the opinion that Ratu Boko Palace was founded by Rakai Panangkaran. At this location the inscriptions are known as Abhayagiriwihara which means monasteries built on a peaceful hill. During the reign of Rakai Walaing Pu Kombayoni in 898-908, Abhayagiri Wihara changed its name to Walaing Palace.

Allegations of many functions on this site can be seen from several things. According to experts, judging from the pattern of laying the remains of buildings, there is a strong suspicion that this site is a former palace based on the fact that this complex is not a temple or a religious building. The palace is closer to fortified palaces with evidence of the remains of the fort's walls and dry moat as a defense structure. Residents of residential settlements are also found around this site.

Meanwhile, the name of Ratu Boko is said to originate from a hereditary story that became a legend for the local community. Ratu Boko which means King of Stork is allegedly the father of Roro Jonggrang who became the name of the main temple in the Prambanan temple complex. (SJ.IN/ENG/*)
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