
Tour Around Lake Maggiore in Italy and Switzerland


INDEPHEDIA.com - Lake Maggiore or Lago Maggiore is one of the beautiful lakes visited by tourists. Located on the southern side of the Alps and in the middle between Lake Orta and Lake Lugano, Lake Maggiore is a lake that is geographically located in Italy and Switzerland.

Lake with a length of about 65 kilometers between Locarno and Arona is the second largest lake in Italy and the largest in Switzerland. The climate is mild in summer and winter, producing Mediterranean vegetation, with many parks growing rare and exotic plants.

The attractions around the lake that are visited by many tourists and are well known, including the Borromean Islands and Brissago with Villa Taranto in Verbania, and the Alpinia Botanical Gardens above Stresa. Trees on Lake Maggiore include a number of subtropical species, such as figs, olives and pomegranates that thrive in a cool climate, and some beautiful performance parks are open to visitors.

Here, regular boat services connect various cities around Lake Maggiore. But, because some of the most popular tourist attractions are not close to boat stops, a car is the best and alternative way to explore the entire enchanting lake. (WS.IN/ENG/)
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