
Trizlv National Park, Favorite Tourist Attraction in Slovenia


INDEPHEDIA.com - Slovenia, a republic in Central Europe which was independent in 1991 after previously including in the state of Yugoslavia. Like other countries in Europe, this country also has several cities and tourist attractions that are visited by many tourists, such as Bled City, Ljubljana, Slovebe Istria, Kranjska Gora, Maribor, Postonia and others.

Among the many tourist attractions in Slovenia, one of which is quite famous Trizlv National Park, the only national park in Slovenia. This national park is located in the northwestern part, precisely in the Julian Alps.

The name of the Triglav National Park (Slovenian: Triglavski narodni) comes from the name of the mountain Triglav, the highest mountain in Slovenia with a height of 2,864 meters. The national park itself was formalized in 1924, when it was still part of the Alpine Conservation Park. Then, it was changed to Triglav National Park in 1961.

In this place, there are several interesting tourist destinations that you can visit, such as visiting Mount Triglav, Mount Spik, Mount Jalovec and others. The mountains are attractive destinations for hikers and nature lovers. If you're already here don't confuse where you want to rest. Along the way, you will find various lodgings, rest huts, and others.

Outdoor activities in Slovenia, you can rafting on the Soca River, mountain biking in Bohinj, climbing Mount Triglav, in the winter you can ski at Pohorje Massif, canyoning near Bled to horse riding at Lipica. How, interested in traveling to Triglav National Park and surroundings? Have a nice trip! (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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