
Phi Phi Islands, Paradise Divers and Snorkeling in Thailand


INDEPHEDIA.com - Phi Phi Islands is a beautiful archipelago in Krabi Province, Thailand. This archipelago is located between Phuket Island and mainland Thailand. In this tourist attraction that offers the sensation of diving and snorkeling, there are at least five main places that are recommended to be visited, namely Maya Bay, Viking Cave, Pileh Bay, Nui Bay and Monkey Island.

Therefore, if you visit Thailand, don't miss this beautiful island. The beauty of the white beach between the Karst cliffs, to the all-night beach party with other tourists and locals can be found here.

Ko Phi Phi Don (Thai: "Ko" means Island) is the largest island in the archipelago, and the only island with a permanent population even though the coast of the second largest island, Ko Phi Phi Lee is often visited by many tourists.

There are no accommodation facilities on this island, but the trip from Ko Phi Phi Don only takes a short time. The other islands are nothing more than big rocks that stick out to the surface of the sea.

On December 26, 2004, Phi Phi Don was devastated by a tsunami caused by the Indian Ocean Earthquake. As of May 13, 2005, almost all businesses on the island had resumed operations with island-wide alarms and security facilities.

Meanwhile, Koh Phi Phi Lee is the second largest uninhabited island in the Phi Phi islands. Inside is a beautiful beach called "Maya Bay". Ko Phi Phi Lee became a famous island after it featured in the film The Beach.

White beaches with tropical plants and clear water, making Koh Phi Phi Lee the perfect place for snorkeling activities. Here, you can rent a boat to go around the amazing island. (WS.IN/*)
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