
Alps, Large Snowy Mountains on The European Continent


INDEPHEDIA.com - The great snowy alps of Europe in enchanting Europe, stretching from Austria and Slovenia to the east, through Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany, to France to the west. The highest mountain in the Alps is named Mont Blanc with an altitude of 4,808 meters on the Franco-Italian border.

Because of its natural beauty many tourists, especially adventurers, climbers, skiers to those who are just curious to see the Alps visiting the mountains that pass through a number of countries in the European Continent. To enjoy the beauty of the Alps, tourists can also visit several villages and resorts in countries that are crossed by the mountain range.

As quoted Wikipedia, geographically the Alps are divided into the Western Alps and the Eastern Alps, stretching between Lake Constance and Lake Como through the Rhine, Liro and Mera Rivers. The Western Alps are higher but shorter and winding, located in Italy, France and Switzerland. Meanwhile, the Eastern Alps have a series of wide and elongated mountains, located in Austria, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Geographical division is different from a geological angle. Geologically, these mountains are not divided into eastern and western parts. In general, geologists divide the Alps into three geological regions, namely the Helveticum, Penninicum and Austro-Alps.

From the regional side, Helveticum is in the north, Penninicum and the Austro-Alps in the middle. Meanwhile, the Southern Alps are in the southern part and part of the Dinari Alps which stretches to the Balkan Peninsula. Jurassic mountains from a geological point of view belong to the Alps but not from a geographic point of view. (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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