
Definition, Terms, Characteristics and Forms of Mythology


INDEPHEDIA.com - Etymologically based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), mythology means the science of literary forms that contain conceptions and sacred tales about the life of gods and spirits in a culture.

In its development in society, besides telling the life of gods and spirits, mythology can be in the form of folklore, the origin of something, and the natural phenomena that are experienced.

The characteristics of mythology, among others, are transmitted orally by word of mouth, tells of gods or supernatural beings, originating from a culture in prehistoric times, there is a value of life and a moral message as well as a story that is considered sacred and mystical.

There are several mythologies, including Greek mythology, Malay mythology, western mythology, eastern mythology and others. Mythology can be divided into three, namely myths, legends and folk tales.

In addition, the term "mythology" can also mean the study of myths (eg, comparative mythology), as well as a collection or collection of myths.

In folkloristics, a myth is a sacred story that usually describes how the world and humans can be formed as it is today, although in a very broad sense, the term can refer to traditional stories.

Mythology is closely related to legends and folk tales. Mythology can range from the story of the creation of the world to the origin of a nation.

Unlike mythology, in folklore, time and place are not specific and the story is not considered a sacred tale that is believed to be true.

Meanwhile, in legends, the perpetrators are human and although the events are considered to really happen, can contain stories of supernatural beings (gods, demons, etc.) and extraordinary events (curses, miracles and so on) as in mythology.

Usually, the setting in a legend is a period when humans already exist and are associated with history and the origin of a place. (MT / IN / US)

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