
History Kingdom of Bali, Kings and Their Legacy

Pejeng-Bedulu, the center of the ancient Balinese kingdom. (Photo source: Kebudayaan.kemdikbud)

INDEPHEDIA.com - The Kingdom of Bali is an ancient kingdom on the island of Bali that existed between the early 10th and 20th centuries AD, with the center of the kingdom around Pejeng or Bedulu, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia.

The Kingdom of Bali was founded by Sri Kesari Warmadewa (882-914 AD) from the Warmadewa Dynasty. Since it was first established, this kingdom was ruled by several dynasties, including the Warmadewa House, the Jaya House and the Singasari (Singosari) House.

One of the famous families that ruled Bali from the Warmadewa dynasty. This can be seen from the Blanjong inscription numbered 914 which was found in Blanjong Village, near Sanur, Denpasar, Bali.

In the Blanjong Inscription written in Nagari (India) and partly in Sanskrit it is reported that the king who ruled at that time was Raja Khesari Warmadewa (first king).

King Khesari Warmadewa was later replaced by Ugrasena (915-942 AD), and successively replaced by King Tabanendra Warmadewa, Jayasingha Warmadewa, Jayashadu Warmadewa, Sri Wijaya Mahadewi and Dharma Udayana Warmadewa.

Apart from the first king of the Kingdom of Bali, Kesari Warmadewa, a well-known king in the Kingdom of Bali was Dharma Udayana Warmadewa or Udayana (989-1011 AD).

Then, other famous kings Marakata Pangkaja (1011-1022 AD), Anak Wungsu (1049-1077 AD), Sri Jayasakti (1133-1150 AD) and Sri Astura Ratna Bhumi Banten (1337-1343 AD).

Formerly the last king who led the Kingdom of Bali. During that time, his government was conquered by Mahapatih Gajah Mada so that the kingdom's territory became the territory of the Majapahit Kingdom.

During their reign, the kings in the Kingdom of Bali left evidence of their glory, in the form of temples, temples and several inscriptions. The relics of the Balinese Kingdom include the Padas Temple on Gunung Kawi, the Mengening Temple, the Wasan Temple and the Agung Besakih Temple.

Apart from temples and temples, there are also a number of inscriptions, such as the Blanjong Inscription, the Panglapuan Inscription, the Mount Panulisan Inscription and inscriptions from Anak Wungsu's time. (US/IND)

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