
Sir Isaac Newton, a Scientist Whose Findings and Works Are Remembered For All Time

Sir Isaac Newton, a genius inspirational figure with inventions and works that are remembered for all time.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist who has been very influential throughout history, is even said to be the father of classical physics.

Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, to Isaac Newton (Father) and Hannah Ayscough (Mother).

Sir Isaac Newton, a genius inspirational figure with inventions and works that are remembered for all time.

He was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and writer who is widely recognized as one of the foremost mathematicians and physicists.

Sir Isaac Newton's book "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica", published in 1687, is considered the most influential book in the history of science.

This book of his works laid the foundations of classical mechanics. In this book, he described the law of gravity and the three laws of motion that dominated scientific view of the universe for three centuries.

Newton was the discoverer of gravity which is the basis for all modern science and was also the first person to calculate the speed of sound.

In addition, Newton was also the first person to be able to calculate the speed of sound and made great strides in the study of light.

Sir Isaac Newton died on March 31, 1727 in Kensington, Middlesex, England, aged 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. (*)

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