
Seconds of Dutch Warship Entering Lampung After Dutch Military Aggression II


INDEPHEDIA.com - In an atmosphere of ceasefire due to the Renville Agreement, conditions in the Lampung, Indonesia, region were relatively calm after the Second Dutch Military Aggression.

This agreement, signed on January 17, 1948 aboard the Renville. So that the agreement is known as the Renville Agreement.

The agreements each consist of 10 articles of ceasefire agreement, 12 articles of political principles and 6 additional principle articles of KTN.

The Renville Agreement that has been made, among others regarding the demarcation line or also known as the Van Mook Line.

In that agreement, the border status quo between the Dutch authorities (KL-KNIL) and the TNI which was still in the Dutch occupied territory (enclaves), had to be excluded or included in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

On January 1, 1949, around midnight (early morning), the Republic of Indonesia Navy (ALRI) post in Kalianda reported the movement of a Dutch warship heading towards Teluk Betung.

The ship's movement made the ALRI troops alert to repel them. At around 05.00 WIT, the warship began trying to land its ship at Panjang Port.

However, before they had time to reach the shoreline, they were immediately greeted by scorched earth and shots from the ground by the Indonesian Navy unit.

Receiving resistance from the land, the Dutch warships then dropped anchor near Condong Island.

With their landing craft, the Dutch troops landed on Mount Kunyit and Teluk Betung. At around 06.00 WIB, they moved towards the City of Tanjung Karang.

In Teluk Betung, the Dutch troops passed through 3 directions, namely through Golak-galik, the Geruntang railroad and the Teluk Betung – Tanjung Karang highway.

Protected by 2 aircraft from the air, the Dutch troops continued to advance into the Lampung region.

The landing was accompanied by aircraft and cannon fire from the warships. This sea battle was the first experience for Indonesian Navy troops to fight at sea.
With unequal weaponry, the troops were ordered to retreat from the battlefield while committing scorched earth. Many important facilities were destroyed.

Next, they were ordered to gather at Km 21, Gedong Tataan (now Pesawaran Regency), which was determined to be the emergency headquarters of the Indonesian Navy.

After entering the City of Tanjung Karang – Teluk Betung, the Dutch troops continued to move to Tegineneng (the Pesawaran area which borders South Lampung, Central Lampung and present Metro City).

Then, they headed west to Kemiling (the Bandar Lampung area borders the present Pesawaran). The Dutch troops in Tegineneng stopped at Mandah Village.

The movement of the Dutch into the Lampung region threatened the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

At 10.00 WIT, the Mobile Battalion Command, Captain Nurdin, communicated with other troops by calling from Natar to Kotabumi to Captain Ahmad Ibrahim.

This communication was intended so that Abdulhak's troops would return to the Tegineneng area by train to defend around the Tegineneng bridge.

On a cold night, in the pouring rain at 19.30 WIT, Junior Lieutenant Masno Asmono along with several members of Supomo's troops moved.

They used the head of the train (locomotive) from the Rengas stop to go straight to Tegineneng. However, when they arrived at the end of the Way Sekampung bridge, they were greeted by Dutch gunfire.

Masno Asmono and members of Supomo's troop who had just arrived from Rengas (now a village in Bumiratu Nuban District, Central Lampung), as soon as they received an unfriendly welcome immediately put up a fight.

Within a short time there was gunfire between the two sides. Each took an attacking position and exchanged fire.

Junior Lieutenant Masno Asmono and his friends put up a fight while taking cover behind the iron bridge.

Because the Dutch fire was very intense accompanied by mortar fire, the troops, which only numbered a few people, finally chose to retreat while returning to Rengas.

Realizing this situation and condition, that same evening the STL Commander Lt. Col. Syamaun Gaharu, his staff members and several other Lampung residency civil administration officials arrived at Gedong Tataan.

The families of military and civilian officials who had fled were eventually accommodated in the Kyai Haji Gholib housing complex in Pringsewu.

On January 5, 1949, Abdulhak's troops minus Section I Lieutenant Bursyah who were at Pakoan Ratu headed for Kemiling. The troop consisted of 2 sections, namely Junior Lieutenant Sahlan's section and Junior Lieutenant Gratitude's section.

Because the northern and eastern areas in the defense were assigned to Lt. Endro Suratmin and Lt. Supomo, Abdulhak's troops marched towards Gedong Tataan via the umbulan road.

Abdulhak's troops, assigned by the STL commander, served on the southern front as protective forces for the STL staff and the emergency government for the Residency of Lampung.

From Kemiling to Gedong Tataan, the bridges were cut off and a barricade of trees was made which was uprooted in the middle of the road to hinder the enemy's advance.

A ceasefire between the Indonesian and Dutch troops was announced in August 1949.

For negotiations with the Dutch, TNI officers were appointed as liaison officers from the Navy, including Captain C. Souhoka, Lieutenant I Hotma Harahap and Lieutenant II J. Samuel Muda.

In January 1950, all Indonesian Navy troops entered the city. Based on the MBAL radiogram in Jakarta, all Indonesian Navy personnel from all bases in Sumatra were instructed to be withdrawn to Jakarta to take part in the Selection Board.

Unfortunately, for reasons of family interests, the war was over and so many of the Indonesian Navy personnel withdrew back into society.

On April 29, 1950 at 21.00 WIT, Indonesian Navy troops came from Lampung with news of victory and departed for Jakarta.

Troops were transported by warships that still use the name KM YS Vogel. Since then, the Navy of the Lampung IA Base has withdrawn from the Lampung region. (*)

Source: Book "Pesawaran Regency in Historical Strands", Author: Akhmad Sadad (Founder of INDEPHEDIA.com), Publisher: Regional Government of Pesawaran Regency, Lampung, 2010-2011.

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