
Tales: Definition, Characteristics and Types


INDEPHEDIA.com - Various ethnic groups, communities and certain regions in various parts of the world have fairy tales with various stories and types.

Fairy tales are folk prose stories that don't really happen and are often nonsensical or fantasy in many ways.

Fairy tales function as entertainment and are also a means of conveying moral messages to listeners when spoken and to readers when written.

Many fairy tales come from stories passed down from ancestors. Therefore, fairy tales are classified as old literature that has existed and developed from ancient times.

Definition of Fairy Tales

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a fairy tale is a story that does not really happen, especially events in ancient times that were strange.

Because the story does not really happen, fairy tale is a fictitious folktale with imaginative and often nonsensical themes.

Fairy tales can be related to people's belief in something supernatural and implemented in everyday human life.

Usually fairy tales involve extraordinary events that make listeners (spoken) or readers (read) feel the atmosphere that is happening in the story.

Fairy Tales
  • Is fictitious or imaginary.
  • The story is short with a simple storyline.
  • Opening sentences generally begin with words and sentences, such as "in ancient times, in the past, once upon a time, once upon a time, and so on".
  • Characters or figures in the story are usually not conveyed in detail.
  • There are two characters with opposite characters, namely good and evil characters.
  • Written in an oral narrative style.
  • There are different versions because of the way word of mouth spread
  • Contains a moral message that can be learned by readers or listeners
  • It is not known exactly who the author is.
Types of Fairy Tales

1. Legend

Legend is folklore that exists in people's lives and relates to an event.

Events in folklore can give rise to the origins of a place, an area name or matters related to nature and the surrounding environment.

Examples of legends, such as The Bitter Tongue and The Four Eyes, Tangkuban Perahu, the Legend of Lake Toba, Crying Stones and so on.

3. Mite (Myth)

Mite or myth is a type of fairy tale related to people's belief in things that don't make sense.

Usually, Mite stories relate to spirits, gods, or other supernatural things.

Mite examples, such as Joko Tarub, Dewi Sri, Nyi Roro Kidul and so on.
3. Fables

Fables are fairy tales in which the main characters are animals but have human-like character and behavior.

Fairy tales of the Fable type are often found in fairy tales between animals, for example in forests or other places.

Examples of fables, such as the mouse deer and the crocodile, the turtle and the mouse deer and the clever mouse deer and so on.

4. Sage

Sage is a fairy tale that tells about the history of certain characters who have kindness, courage, supernatural powers and heroism.

Sage contains historical elements that have been mixed with folk fantasy stories.

Examples of Sage, such as Si Pitung, Lutung Kasarung, Panji Laras, Calon Arang and so on.

5. Parabel

A parable is a story that contains educational values, be it religious, moral, or general education which is conveyed implicitly.

Examples of parables: Malin Kundang, Hikayat Bayan Budiman, Damarwulan and so on.

6. Joke

Jokes are funny stories played by the characters. Examples of humor: Si Kabayan, Pan Balang Tamak, Singa Rewa and so on.

7. An Ordinary Fairy Tale

Ordinary Fairy Tales contain stories of ups and downs and someone's dreams.

Examples of Ordinary Fairy Tales, such as Garlic and Shallots, Ande-ande Moss, Cinderella and so on. (*)

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