
Jambi Name in Sung Dynasty Records


INDEPHEDIA.com - The existence of the name Jambi has been known from ancient times, both from foreign sources and writings/notes to the findings of various relics of his time.

Jambi is now the name of the city (Jambi City) and also Jambi Province which is on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.

The history of the Sung (Song) dynasty, which led the kingdom in China from 960-1279 AD, mentions that Maharaja San-fo-tsi (Swarnabhumi) resided in Chan-pi (Jambi).

During the Sung Dynasty, shipping in the Kingdom of China had grown rapidly. They made expeditions to various regions, one of which was to Indonesia.

Apart from that, they also wrote detailed notes on their journey to the archipelago in the “Historical Records of the Sung Dynasty”.

In the note it is stated, envoys from Chan-pi came for the first time at the Chinese Emperor's palace in 853 AD and following the second envoy arrived in 871 AD.

Meanwhile, Chinese news, Ling Pio Lui (890-905 AD) also mentioned Chan-pi (Jambi) sending a trade mission to China.

From this Chinese news, it is identified that the existence of Jambi (Chan-pi) already existed and was known in the 8-9th century AD.

The development of shipping to trade relations made Jambi at that time harbored by people from China.

Historically, the Song Kingdom (Sung/Song Dynasty) had diplomatic relations with the Chola kingdoms in India, the Fatimids in Egypt and Sriwijaya on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Then, the Kara-Khanid Khanate from Central Asia and other kingdoms which also became trading partners with Japan.

Apart from the Sriwijaya Kingdom, the Song Kingdom also, among other things, established a partnership with the Ancient Mataram Kingdom (Medang Kingdom) in Central Java. (*)

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