
Prehistoric Age: Terms, Characteristics and Evidence of Their Relics


INDEPHEDIA.com - Humans on this earth are experiencing a period of transition from being very primitive (ancient) to modern.

It is known that there are two eras of transition, namely the prehistoric era and the historical era.

The term prehistory can mean a long period of time that begins with the events of the universe or the creation of Planet Earth.

In addition, prehistory is more often interpreted as the period of time that began with the appearance of living things on planet Earth.

In fact, more specifically, prehistory is defined as the period of time that began with the appearance of mankind.

The prehistoric era was the era when humans on this earth began to use stone tools and were not familiar with writing.

Because they were not familiar with writing, the prehistoric era was also called the Praaksara Age or the Nirleka Age.

The Age of Praaksara, namely the era before there were scripts and the Age of Nirleka, namely the era of the absence of writing (nir means nothing, leka means writing).

These two titles are actually the same, namely the era when humans at that time did not know writing or script.

Even though they did not know writing/script, prehistoric humans were already good at making symbols, signs and pictures.

This is evidenced by the existing findings regarding the existence of humans in these prehistoric times.

Because the prehistoric or non-literate era was marked by the absence of writing, so the important events that had occurred at that time were not immortalized in writing.

The absence of written evidence makes the next generation unable to know previous events or events.

The end of prehistoric times for each nation was different, depending on when the nation knew writing.

Evidence of prehistoric times can only be known through objects, symbols, signs, pictures and bones.

Information from prehistoric times can be obtained through fields of science, such as archeology, paleontology, biology, geology, anthropology and astronomy. (*)

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