
King Panjalu Prabu Jayabaya and His Prophecy

Illustration of King Jayabaya (Photo Source: Okezone)

INDEPHEDIA.com - Prabu Jayabhaya (Jayabaya) is the king of the Kingdom of Panjalu or the Kingdom of Kediri which is in East Java Province, Indonesia, now.

Prabu Jayabaya ruled the Panjalu Kingdom around 1135-1159 and brought this kingdom to its heyday.

Jayabaya holds the Abhisekanya title and uses the title Sri Maharaja Sang Mapanji Jayabhaya Sri Warmeswara Madhusudana Awataranindita Suhtrisingha Parakrama Uttunggadewa.

Relics of the Panjalu Kingdom during his reign, in the form of the Hantang Inscription (1135), Talan Inscription (1136), Jepun Inscription (1144) and Kakawin Bharatayuddha (1157).

Meanwhile, the relics of literary works from the famous Panjalu Kingdom, including the Pranitiwakya Fiber and others containing the Jayabaya predictions or Jayabaya Term (Jongko Joyoboyo).

Jayabaya's Prediction

Prabu Jayabaya is a figure from the island of Java who is synonymous with predicting the future, especially future conditions in the archipelago.

Jayabaya's predictions were written by an anonymous or unknown author.

It is said that Jayabaya was able to predict the condition of the island of Java from the time it was filled by Aji Saka until the Doomsday came.

In one of Jayabaya's predictions, it is stated that a period full of disasters will come.

The mountains will erupt, the earth will shake, the seas and rivers will overflow. This will be a time of suffering.

The time of arbitrariness and indifference. When the cunning people rule and the good people will be oppressed.

However, after this most trying time, a new age will come, an age of splendor and glory. The Golden Age of the Archipelago.

And that new age will come after the coming of the Ratu Adil or Satria Piningit.

Phenomenally, many of Jayabaya's predictions can be interpreted to be close to the current situation.

In fact, some of his predictions have come true even though his predictions were written hundreds of years ago. (*)

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