
Winged Stallions in Greek Mythology


INDEPHEDIA.com - Pegasus is a winged stallion whose stories and depictions are often found in works of art.

The name Pegasus, which the Poet Hesiod associated with the word for "spring"; Pegai Okeanos, where Okeanos was born.

However, regarding the origin of the name Pegasus, it is likely that it comes from the Luvian language: pihasas, which means "lightning".

Regarding this meaning, Hesiod also mentions that Pegasus brought the thunderbolt of Zeus, the king of the gods in Greek mythology.

In Greek mythology, the story of the birth of Pegasus, son of Poseidon and Medusa, is inseparable from their relationship.

At that time, Medusa was known as one of the most beautiful goddesses because of her beauty the gods fought over.

Until finally, Poseidon managed to win Medusa's heart and had intercourse in the sacred temple of the goddess Athena.

Knowing this, Athena was angry and cursed Medusa to become a terrible creature called a Gorgon.

Then, Perseus was sent to kill Medusa who had turned into a snake-haired goddess.

After Perseus managed to behead Medusa, he then brought it before the goddess Athena.

Medusa, who was pregnant with Poseidon's children, suddenly gave birth to Pegasus and Chysaor when Perseus cut off her head.

Unlike his evil mother, Pegasus is known as a friend of the heroes in Greek mythology.

One of them is Bellerophon, a Greek hero, who was sent by the King of Lycia to eradicate the Chimaera monsters.

While resting in the temple of Athena, the goddess Bellerophon appeared in a dream and gave him a golden bridle and showed him where Pegasus was.

Pegasus, who was drinking by the river, was finally tamed by Bellerophon and made into a mount in killing the Chimaera monster.

After successfully defeating Chimaera, Bellerophon went to the top of Mount Olympus with Pegasus. However, Zeus knew this and became angry.

He then ordered the insects to sting Pegasus. Bellerophon fell. Fortunately, he was saved by Athena, but he became blind.

In that story, Pegasus made it to the top of Mount Olympus and met the gods, including the god Zeus.

He then lived on Mount Olympus and was assigned by Zeus to bring him lightning. Apart from that, Pegasus is also the mount of the goddess of dawn named Eos.

The next Pegasus fact is about its unique story. It is said that every time Pegasus stomps his foot on the earth, a spring appears.

One of them is on Mount Helikon, which is called Hippokrene (horse spring). Apart from Mount Helikon, another Pegasus spring is located in Troezen. (MT/IN/AS)

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