
Here are the 10 Most Beautiful Beach Charms in Indonesia that Must Be Visited


For a vacation, actually you do not need to vacation far out there, in our own country has a lot of exotic beaches that are unfortunately missed if you want to travel.

INDEPHEDIA - Indonesia has many beautiful and interesting beaches to visit. Vacation to the beach is the right choice to spend cheerful time with your beloved family, friends and your relationships.

So, actually you don't need to vacation far out there, in our own country there are lots of exotic beaches that are too bad to miss if you are going on a tour.

Because of the many beautiful and interesting beaches in Indonesia to visit, this time INDEPHEDIA only summarizes the 10 most beautiful tourist attractions in Indonesia that you deserve to visit.

1. Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air, Lombok

The islands in Lombok or better known as "gili" have the characteristics of white sand beaches, beautiful tropical coral reefs, and clear blue sea water.

Gili Trawangan offers spectacular diving spots. This island is visited by many tourists because of its beautiful diving and snorkeling spots. One of the most famous snorkeling spots is Turtle Point on Gili Meno which is the best spot to see turtles.

2. Belitung Island, Bangka Belitung Islands

The beauty of Belitung Island has been known for a long time and exposed to the Laskar Pelangi film. Although the island is famous for white pepper and mining of C-type minerals, such as tin, quartz sand, white clay (kaolin), and granite rocks, but this island has the beauty of an amazing beach.

The beaches on Belitung Island are characterized by large granite rocks, snow white soft sand, and clear blue sea water. You will surely be fascinated by it.

3. Sawarna Beach, Banten

Sawarna Beach offers a clear view of the rows of coconut trees and clear Indian Ocean sea water. Sawarna Beach is located in Sawarna Tourism Village, Banten.

This beach has white sand that contrasts with the sky and blue sea. The waves on this beach are very suitable for surfing locations. The waves on Sawarna Beach have been tasted by surfers from America, Australia, Japan and Korea.

4. Pink Beach, Komodo Island

Most tourists crave a beach view with a stretch of white sand combined with clear blue water. Don't you want something different? If so, come to Pink Beach on Komodo Island, the right choice.

Called Pink Beach because this beach has pink beach sand. This pink color is said to have come from coral fragments and other biota that were carried by the current to the land and mixed with beach sand.

Here, you can adventure on the beach while snorkeling or diving. For an unexpected experience, you can try exploring the land to meet the island's famous inhabitants, especially if it's not a rare animal, Komodo.

5. Tanjung Bira, South Sulawesi

Tanjung Bira is a natural beach located in South Sulawesi. This beach is famous as a flourish sandy beach. You can reach this beach by traveling from Makassar for approximately 5 hours past Tanahberu and Phinisi pier.

6. Tomini Bay, Sulawesi

Tomini Bay is located in North Sulawesi. Because of its location not far from the equator or equator, this beach is a great place to enjoy relaxing time by sunbathing.

In the morning, you can enjoy the sunrise then greet the fishermen who returned from sailing. You can also do diving to see the diversity of natural marine life. One more thing that can't be missed, fresh seafood that you can enjoy directly in restaurants around the beach.

7. Nihiwatu Beach, Sumba

Nihiwatu Beach ranks 17th on the CNN World's 100 list Best Beaches In The World. This beach has white sand, the sea water is super clear and the most interesting for tourists who come is the super beautiful sunset view.

Here there is an impressive Nihiwatu Resort. Some of the activities you can do here include diving, surfing, enjoying the sunset or joining together with local residents to catch octopus and crabs. This beach can be reached by airplane for about one hour from Bali, and 90 minutes by driving.

8. Pandawa Beach, Bali

Pandawa Beach is one of the most remote beaches in Bali and has the nickname The Secret Beach. Located in Kutuh Village, south of Bali. This beach is hidden behind high cliffs and bushes. It is called Secret Beach because the road to the beach is relatively difficult to access.

Pandawa Beach has snow white sand and clear sea water. Here, you will be spoiled by water sports such as canoeing and paragliding. You can also swim in clear sea water. If you come here in March, you can enjoy a cultural parade held by Hindus and Buddhists.

9. Derawan Beach, East Kalimantan

Derawan Island is ranked 63rd in the CNN World's 100 Best Beaches In The World list. Derawan Island has excellent accommodations, which is what makes this place one of the favorite beaches in Indonesia and the world.

On the island of Derawan, you can swim with hordes of turtles in its clear and refreshing waters. In addition to turtles, manta or stingray are also found here.

10. Ora Beach, Central Maluku

It could be said that Ora Beach is hidden in Central Maluku. The beauty of Ora Beach is similar to Boracay Beach in the Philippines or Bora-Bora Beach in the Pacific Ocean. On this beach there is Ora Beach Resort which provides 6 cottages.

The charm of this beach is clear sea water. You can enjoy the beauty of the reef and the underwater world from the boat. At night, you can enjoy the beautiful stars on the dock or while sitting on the veranda of the cottage. (**)

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