
Batik Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Cultural Heritage


Until now, batik continues to develop, both in its motives, and in how to make it. In fact, the designers also continue to be creative in designing batik clothing.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Indonesian batik, including culture, technique and the development of motives and technology, has been designated as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Cultural Culture by UNESCO on October 2, 2009. Since then, every October 2, Indonesia has always celebrated Batik Day National.

Batik was first introduced to the world by former Indonesian President Soeharto, who was then wearing batik at the UN Conference. Batik itself is actually not only identical as cloth or clothing using motifs made through traditional coloring techniques.

Batik in Javanese traditional culture, Java Island, Indonesia, is more meaningful as a technique for making motifs, using natural colors "night" and "canting" on natural fibrous fabrics.

Until now, batik continues to develop, both in its motives, and in how to make it. In fact, the designers also continue to be creative in designing batik clothing. (NW.IN/ENG/*)

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