
Gunung Padang Site, Prehistoric Heritage in West Java


It is estimated, the area of ​​Gunung Padang has a height and breadth beyond the Borobudur Temple and is older than the Giza Pyramid.

INDEPHEDIA.com - The site of Gunung Padang, a prehistoric heritage of Megalithic culture in West Java, is on the border of Gunungpadang and Panggulan Hamlets, Karyamukti Village, Campaka District, Cianjur Regency.

The main complex area is approximately 900 m², located at an altitude of 885 m above sea level, and the site area is about 3 ha, making it the largest punden complex in Southeast Asia. It is estimated, the area of ​​Gunung Padang has a height and breadth beyond the Borobudur Temple and is older than the Giza Pyramid.

The Gunung Padang site was first discovered in 1914 by Dutch colonists. The first report on the existence of this site was published in Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige Dienst (ROD, "Archaeological Service Bulletin") in 1914.

The location of the site is steep and difficult to reach. The complex is elongated, covering the surface of a hill which is limited by a row of large, square andesite stones. The site is surrounded by very deep valleys.

This place had indeed been sacred by local residents. Residents considered him the place of Prabu Siliwangi, the Sundanese king, trying to build a palace overnight. Even though it has been eaten for ages, the rocks on the Gunung Padang Site are neatly arranged and often dubbed the Indonesian Macchu Picchu. (SJ.IN/ENG/*)

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