
Cultural and Culinary Attractions in Jeonju, South Korea


Many attractions are a magnet for travelers to stop at Jeonju, including traditional Korean houses (Hanok Village), interesting festivals and royal family residences.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Jeonju is a traditional village where it is originally one of the most popular foods in South Korea, namely Bimbimbap.

Jeonju in South Korea is one of the cities in developed countries in Asia that has succeeded in juxtaposing modernity and the traditional side well. This traditional village that is still well maintained is so proud of by South Koreans.

Many attractions are a magnet for travelers to stop at Jeonju, including traditional Korean houses (Hanok Village), interesting festivals and royal family residences.

One more thing you must try if you visit Jeonju is its culinary tour (especially bimbimbap), which was once awarded as the 2012 City of Gastronomy by UNESCO. If from Seoul, the trip to Jeonju Village takes around 3 hours, but access to this village is very feasible. (WS.IN/ENG/*)

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