
Lake Kakaban, a Unique Tourist Attraction in Indonesia


INDEPHEDIA.com - Lake Kakaban which is administratively included in the Berau District, East Kalimantan, Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, is a freshwater lake that is truly unique and almost said to be found nowhere else in the world.

Kakaban Island in the language of the island which "embraces". So, Kakaban Island means "an island that embraces the lake", including its unique flora and fauna. In the world, such places are only found on the Jellyfish Lake Palau, Micronesia Islands in the Southeast Pacific Ocean region. Thus, Kakaban Island is the only island in Indonesia that has a lake in the middle.

On this lake, you will find lots of non-toxic jellyfish. This jellyfish has been trapped here for thousands of years so the poison is gone, and you can plunge and swim in the lake. At present, Lake Kakaban, located in the Derawan Islands, is starting to become a mainstay destination that is claimed to be able to surpass Raja Ampat in Papua.

Lake Kakaban covering an area of ​​about 5 km² with steep coral walls as high as 50 meters is sea water trapped on Kakaban Island, added with water from the soil and rainwater since 2 million years ago. Lake Kakaban is a prehistoric lake in the Holocaust era, which is because trapped sea water can no longer come out to become a lake.

Kakaban Island is indeed one of the biological wealth paradise in Indonesia. The mystery of how animals and plants isolated in the lake is one of the objects that scientists are very interested in revealing. Therefore, this sea indeed deserves to be an object of conservation of nature which must be protected and preserved. (UNK.IN/ENG/*)

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