
Reog Dance, Ponorogo Traditional Dance


According to history, this dance was taken from the journey of Prabu Kelana Sewandana who was looking for her idol.

INDEPHEDIA.com - Reog Dance comes from Ponorogo, East Java Province, Java Island, Indonesia. Usually carried by 6-8 men and 6-8 women. This dance passes several sessions, so it has a fairly long duration.

According to history, this dance was taken from the journey of Prabu Kelana Sewandana who was looking for her idol. His journey was accompanied by his soldiers and patih namely Bujangganong. Until finally he met with Dewi Sanggalangit, a daughter of Kediri. However, he will accept his love if the King successfully creates an art.

This is where the creation of Reog Dance begins to prove the love of Prabu Kelana to the Princess. He requested reinforcements from his soldiers to fill the dance he had created. Five components of dancers were created which filled Reog Ponorogo Dance, namely Prabu Kelono Sewandono, Patih Bujangganong, Jathil, Warok and Pembarong.

In this dance there is a session where a dancer uses a mask like a lion dance measuring almost the size of his body, the weight of the mask is around 50 kg. Cool, the dancer held a mask that big with his teeth. Just imagine, how can the dancers hold 50 kg with their teeth?

Each dancer session will be replaced by a different dance. There are preface, opening, story content, closing and prologue. It's not strange if this dance is also very popular with foreign tourists. (BD.IN/ENG/*)

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