
Beskalan Dance, Malang Traditional Dance


When viewed from the dance movement, this dance displays the elegance of a woman, a woman who is feminine, agile and dynamic.

INDEPHEDIA.com - This dance comes from Malang, East Java Province, Java Island, Indonesia. Beskalan is taken from the word 'going to'. The Beskalan dance is very old, estimated to have been danced hundreds of years ago.

When viewed from the dance movement, this dance displays the elegance of a woman, a woman who is feminine, agile and dynamic.

If you are not sensitive to the type of dance, maybe you would think this dance is Jaipong dance. Because it's almost very similar. But, this can be distinguished from Sinden's language.

The clothes used are Wedokan, Semyok, head jewelry (bun), slendang, and other attributes. The accompanying musical instruments are kendang, jidor, sinden and others. (BD.IN/ENG/*)

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